Dhaka Cantt Girls' Public School & College
Dhaka Cantonment Girls' Public School and College
School Code : 1160 | College Code : 1114 | EIIN : 132090


infrastructure of DCGPSC

infrastructure of DCGPSC

DCGPSC has 3 academic buildings, a modern air conditioned auditorium, a multipurpose hall room, a language centre, an enriched library, Science Labs, and 5 multimedia class room and a canteen.

A Modern Library 
The institution has a rich modern library with five thousand books. The library is fully air conditioned where there is an excellent seating arrangement of 100 students. It is named Lt Col Zayed Memorial Library and Information Centre” recognizing his contribution as principal of his tenure. 

Computer Lab  
There are three modern Computer Lab with 62 computers. The lab is facilitated with Internet access. The lab is fully air conditioned where there is an excellent seating arrangement of 120 students at a time. Students avail N Computing system in the Lab.

Information Centre 
There is a information centre where all personal information of each students are stored in a computer. This centre is responsible to send information regarding absentee students, various notices and results of various exams through SMS to guardians/teachers.

Mini Language Lab 
The institute has a mini Language Lab which is fully air conditioned. The Lab works for the development of the skills of English Language among the students.

Common Room 
There is a common room with good facilities. The students pass their leisure hours playing different kinds of indoor games. 

Basket Ball Ground and Play Ground 
There are a basketball ground and two playgrounds in the institution. The institution has a Children’s Park ‘Annondolok’ where students of Nursery to KG pass their leisure hours and enjoy different games for their physical and mental development.

Multipurpose Hall 
There is a modern air conditioned Multipurpose Hall which is used for conducting movie classes of different sections of the same class. Meetings and different programs are held there. 

Multimedia Classrooms 
The institution has 52 Multimedia Projectors which are used for taking classes, showing educative movies, conducting different programs and the presentation of results of the exams.

Modern Auditorium 
There is an air conditioned Auditorium with the capacity of accumulating 600 students where major programs are held throughout the year.

The institution has a Canteen for students and teachers. Snacks and different stationeries are available there. A Canteen Committee controls the price of items and regularly monitors the cleanliness and standard of foods.

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